Yeah Baby!

DIY Onsies Baby girl sweet nothings designOver two weeks ago my lovely sister had a baby girl. Jaelyn Marie, the sweetest baby ever! Seriously when I met her my uterus skipped a beat! I’m so jealous of my sister that she gets to snuggle this sweetie whenever she wants! For a baby like her I’d be willing to re-open shop but then my husband gently reminded me of 2am feedings and daycare. But seriously folks I’m absolutely smitten with her! I joke with my sister and tell her not to be alarmed if her baby goes missing that she’ll be at my house. Anyways… I channeled Madonna Circa – Lucky Star days and whipped up these onsies for her. I used fabric paint, a pencil eraser, shish kabob stick and sequence fabric to create these adorable necklaces. I know she’ll make Madge proud when she’s rockin’ these in the nursery. I also did some fancy bibs because this little princess deserves to spit up on a bib as cute as her!

Bow tie onsies sweet nothings designBut the madness did not stop there folks! I created these adorable little neck tie bibs and onsies for all the little dapper misters out there! I didn’t forget about you little mad men! All of these are available to purchase. Please visit my store to order.

Holey Jeans!


So if you’re like me you have little girls that are constantly growing out of their jeans or getting holes in the knees. I hate to throw away jeans that still fit but have become too short. Also I’m not sure what it is about 5 year olds but they seem to get holes in the knees of their pants the most! I challenge you to think twice about throwing out these jeans. Re-use and re-purpose people! I found a super easy tutorial on distressing jeans.  I think the girls look totally cute in their new old jeans! I’ll be whipping up more of these for sure! Me and Lil are next!

Posted in DIY

Oh Mickey you’re so fine…

DIY Tshirts Disney Tshirts Mickey Mouse sweet nothings designDIY Tshirts Disney Tshirts Mickey Mouse sweet nothings design Minnie Mouse head bands

Did you miss me? I missed you. Sorry for the wait. We’ve been crazy busy in our family lately. . . So you’ll see me catching up on all my projects in the next couple of days. I had these completed by couldn’t find the time to post. The reason for this delay? My family took an amazing trip to Disney world courtesy of our lovely parents Mel & Terry Fors – shout out! The experience was beyond anything I can describe there was laughter, tears, tears of laughter and plenty of inappropriate bodily functions had by all! Inside joke, but it was an amazing trip. Before we left I decided to make some t-shirts for all the ladies going on the trip. The first one was made for my daughter Lilly – she’s 13 and too cool for anything too Disney. So I used sticker letters to spell out I heart you Mickey and sprayed bleach on this gray tank top. It’s a cool effect but very stinky so be sure to use gloves and do it in the laundry room or in my case I sprayed it in the bath tub. The next was for my little Fancy pants Gabby. I used heat bond (an amazing thing) and a black sequence fabric to create this adorable sparkly Minnie silhouette! The next was mine – I wanted mine to be graphic and urban. I used the same sticker method but rolled on fabric paint to create this shirt. For my Sophie I took influence from my hubby and created a spray painted look for her using fabric spray paint. My lovely mother in-law received a red shirt with a black sequence Mickey Silhouette creating the classic Mickey shirt. For my sister in-law Alyna I used the same heat bond and fabric technique to create a giant Minnie Bow t-shirt. Finally the cute topper to this project was making 2 Minnie headbands for the littlest ladies. To all my girls, you rocked these looks and I love you all xoxo!