Ohhhh-mbre Baby

Baby shower gift ombre pantone A few weeks ago I gave this baby bump art to a friend for her baby shower. I wanted to give her something unique and I also wanted to try painting some ombre art. I’m in love with Ombre! Or should I call it Ohh-Oh-mbre because I love it so much. I found this sweet little  quote on pinterest that I wanted to incorporate with the ombre. Originally I was just going to do the phrase on the ombre but it was far too busy. So I split it up into 3 different pieces. I needed a photo of her so I hijacked a photo of my friend’s lovely baby bump from the facepage taken by her husband. The last piece I got to use more fun pantone chips (see my previous pantone project). I really love how it turned out and I hope they like it. Shout out to the Dunsts’, Hope your little liv is every bit as awesome as the two of you! Kisses.

Oh PS. see below for how I transfered the words onto my art : )

Photo transfer on canvas Ombre maternity baby shower


Navy yellow Gingham Summer Invite

navy yellow baby shower BBQ invitation summer Burger cupcakes

My nephew just recently had a baby boy! I know what you’re thinking. Shari, you are far too young to be a great auntie! To that I would say you’re too kind and totally right! So my sister (grandma) is throwing them a co-ed Barbeque baby shower. So I made these invitations for the event. I named the event A Babe-B-Q! Get it?! Ehhhhh?  Clever right? I have my moments. To complete my vision I threw together a quick mood board for the party! And the list goes a little something like this…

1. Invites – done by Moi email me to order $30 for 15!

2. Tin can center pieces

3. Gingham party decor

4. Burger cupcakes!

Happy Babe-B-Qing! I know the party will be fabulous and adorable!

An Old School Thank You

Vintage Thank You Cards Handmade Typewriter sweet nothings designvintage thank you handmade typewriter

Most of the stationery that I design has me sitting in front of a computer so for a change of pace I wanted to create something completely by hand. Also I wanted a good excuse to put my new vintage typewriter to use! I made these for my sister who wanted an original gift for a friend who is having a baby.

I always have fabulous scraps of paper left over from other projects which I hoard because I can’t stand to throw them out. So this put some of those little gems to good use and I also wanted to take a stab at some more handmade stamps. The end result is unique and sweet. If I didn’t end up making less than minimum wage on these suckas I would do more completely handmade items, but a girl needs to sleep.

You should try some of your own! Really, cut out pics, phrases and make your own cards. The cool thing about these types of cards are the little imperfections that make them perfect!

Kisses – Shari

Happy New Ideas!

Project 52 sweet nothings design DIY craftsSo I’m back betches! And mama has some big plans for the new year! Of course I have all of the same resolutions as everyone else…lose weight, get healthy, wake up earlier, be kinder, volunteer, clean more, get out of debt and save money. However, I’ve decided not to declare any of those things. Instead I’ve decided to focus my energy on something that I’ve been thinking about for awhile. This year my goal is to complete 1 project per week. Hence the brilliant title Project 52! Ok it’s not brilliant but whatevs. What makes me declare such an ambitious thing? I’m so glad you asked! I have so many ideas that I don’t take the time to actually sit down and complete. Then the ideas are just left swimming around in my head, being sad and uncreated. They want to be created and I’m just the girl to do it. Also I’m tired of saying to myself I can make that! So this year I’m putting my money where my mouth is and doing it!

PS. Do you think I can count this post as project #1? HA! Fine, project #1 coming soon!